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We believe that God has provided the Bible as His inspired, infallible, inerrant, and living revelation. We affirm the verbal, plenary inspiration of Scripture and are thus committed to its complete trustworthiness and primacy. The Bible serves as God’s relevant, profound, and profound personal communication invites us to intimate fellowship with Him. It comprises the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments are the wholly sufficient, authoritative, and normative rule and guide for all Christian life, practice, and doctrine. It is instrumental in glorifying God through our growth in likeness to Christ, representing our ultimate purpose.
The Bible is complete in its revelation of who God is—His person, character, promises, commandments, and will for the salvation of His chosen people. It reveals our identity: created in God’s image, accountable to Him, fallen into sin, judged and justly condemned, yet redeemed by Jesus Christ and transformed by the Holy Spirit. Additionally, the Scriptures illuminate the meaning of our lives, encompassing the blessings we experience, the various sufferings and hardships we endure, the presence of Satan, and the influences of others. Furthermore, the Bible delineates the nature of the Christian life and the ministries of the Church, outlining the content, functions, and objectives that express the image of Christ.
Foster an environment of safety and compassion where everyone feels valued and supported on their journey.
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